Liability Auto Insurance and the Necessity to Have Adequate Coverage

Liability insurance is a must have for your car and in fact it is illegal not to have it in all 50 states.  Not only that but it is required to register a car.  In any case it is one of the most important types of insurance you can have because it protects you financially if you cause damage to another driver’s body and/or property.  For the average American their vehicle is potentially the most dangerous and damage causing item they own.  This is especially true for individuals that drive a lot and in congested areas.  This is why it is important not to be cheap and under insure yourself with liability coverage.   What would you do if you hit a Bentley or even worse caused someone else to be severely injured?  You k now the cost will be high in those scenarios and if you don’t have sufficient liability insurance you could be on the hook for some major money.

Liability auto insurance is made up of 3 parts: bodily injury per person, bodily injury per accident and property damage.  Now each state will have a minimum of those 3 components.  As an example in New Jersey the minimum required liability car insurance is bodily injury of $15,000 per person, 30,000 of bodily injury per accident and 5,000 for property damage.  Each state will vary with these but in any case they are all absurdly low considering its possible to cause hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not more) with your car.  Ask a personal injury lawyer how much liability auto insurance you should have considering their role in suing insurance companies and individuals who have caused accidents.

The main point here is that it is important to have adequate liability auto insurance or you could be sorry.  If you can go with the single limit coverage of $500,ooo.