Comprehensive insurance is the component of your car insurance policy that pays you if your car is stolen or catches on file, hits a deer, is in a flood etc. Its basically for covering an insured for reasons that could cause damage outside of collision like an “Act of God.” Its important to examine your policy closely to see what the specifics of your coverage are.
Comprehensive insurance like collision has a deductible you’ll have to pay to repair the vehicle before the insurance company contributes the rest. Its important to consider your deductible very closely. For instance if you have a high deductible you’ll have to dish out more money if your car or truck is damaged.
If you are going to buy a new or used car that requires a loan you can be sure you’ll be required to get comprehensive insurance to pay the bank if the car is damaged in a fire, stolen etc. Otherwise states generally don’t force you to buy this type of insurance. If your vehicle isn’t worth much and you have the funds to replace it easily it may not be worth it to pay for the comprehensive premium.