Car Insurance Ideas for Bad Drivers

Getting a few black marks on your driving record can be shocking when your insurance company raises your rate substantially.  Even worse they may decide to drop you as customers altogether.  Below are some ideas/suggestions for those without a perfect driving record:

  • Its important to realize that it may take sometime to repair a blemished driving record.  Reflect on your driving record. What can you do to improve your driving habits?  Too many speeding tickets?  Perhaps you’re not giving yourself enough time for your commute or to drive to your other responsibilities.  Too many accidents?  It may be worth considering a defensive driving course which could save you some money and improve your standing with the car insurance company.
  • Risk is the key when an insurance company figures out what your premiums are or even whether or not to provide you with auto  insurance.  Some companies have a higher appetite for risk (for insuring imperfect drivers)  and this be discovered by shopping around.  This is especially true if you’ve lost your insurance as some companies may look at it like gaining your business is your former company’s loss.  In any case shop around, you never know if another company is able to take you  with an imperfect record for less money.
  • If your driving record has left you with no insurance and you can’t get coverage with another company turn to your state insurance commission.  Each state has a program to help uninsured motorists get coverage.  This should be a last resort because the rates are often off the chart.
  • Is your car worth having full coverage on it?  If you own it without any loan and its not worth much perhaps the collision or comprehensive coverage could be dropped.    This is especially true if your driving record is making your premiums insane.  Its pertinent to have proper liability insurance because its the law but also it protects you when you cause damage with your car.